Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ABC's and 123's

Counting and the alphabet are some of the first lessons learned in early childhood.  After all, counting is considered the cornerstone for all future Math lessons and the ABC’s are a prerequisite for learning to read and write.  These activities don’t have to be dull, as there are many ways to make them fun and easily understandable to ages as young as 3. 

Magnetic boards are wonderful ways to make counting and alphabet recognition a playful activity.  Alphabet letters are readily available and can be placed on magnetic easels and boards so children can move them around and build words.  Children subconsciously remember the letter shapes without realizing they are learning.  Consistently looking at the shapes of the letters, even during playtime, causes the child to be familiar with the letters and makes literacy lessons easier.

Magnets are also excellent objects for counting.  The same alphabet magnets can be used in a lesson by asking children to count all of the letters of a certain color or that are vowels, etc.  Counting magnets are also commonly available.  These are usually magnetic strips that can be used as is or can be spiced up by affixing images, pom poms, or other enticing items.  Again, this activity seems like simple child’s play to the student, but is actually building a foundation for future Math classes.  (An important thing to remember is that magnets can be dangerous if ingested by small children, therefore, should always be used under close supervision).

Wood Designs offers great additions to your classroom that contain magnetic boards which are perfect for counting and alphabet fun.  Our WD54100 Big Book Display allows ample storage for books large and small with a magnetic marker board on the front to encourage letter exploration.  The Wood Designs WD95411 Art Center and WD99541 Teaching Center also have a large magnetic marker board for use in counting and alphabet lessons with magnets.  Check out to see which will best suit your needs!

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