Monday, April 16, 2012


The Latest Trend in Day care and Schools
With Earth Day approaching quickly on April 22, it seems appropriate to discuss one of the recent trends in day cares and schools.  Society as a whole is leaning more toward natural products.

Since prehistoric times, children have used organic items such as sticks, leaves, and other natural items in their environment to play and learn.  This causes the child to use their imagination more to assume the role of parents, warriors, princesses, etc.  This can also be said for the use of natural woods and materials in the classroom.   These materials not only encourage imaginative play, but also interaction with other children.  It leads to resourcefulness when the child sees a stick and imagines it can be a wand, a bone, a tree, etc.  A molded, synthetic item is less likely to encourage such creativity.  This type of play has been theorized to engage children mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally-giving confidence and excitement.  It is also thought to be a beneficial way to focus the attention of children with special needs.

Many schools are realizing the importance of natural materials such as wood blocks and rods for counting and play.  These items are easily recognized by children because they see wooden items and trees all around them.  Play centers, tables, and toys made from wood and natural fibers are also more pleasing to the touch.  These natural items are “warmer” and more inviting to feel and are more durable than most synthetic items.  Moreover, it is often safer for children to play with natural products.  There is less risk of chemicals in wooden/natural items than in molded plastic and synthetically engineered items.  The use of organic materials is also friendlier to our surroundings-lasting longer and causing less waste.  They often are more sustainable materials and have a smaller footprint on our environment.

While technology is important in this modern world, natural exploration and the use of organic materials are also beneficial.  These materials are essential in helping to support our environment and encouraging healthy environments to our children.

Wood Designs has been ahead of this trend and has offered GREENGUARD™ Children & Schools certified products for years-making all products safe and healthy for indoor environments and without the use of dangerous chemicals and laminates.  Our Natural Environments line also gives the look of nature with earthy brown tones and finished wood.  These products focus on visually stimulating children to encourage imagination and cognitive development.  

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