Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Encouraging Reading

Reading is a much needed skill that is fundamental in the foundation for knowledge.  There are many ways to encourage reading and to get the most out of reading lessons.  The best way to introduce young children to reading is by reading out loud to them.  Reading out loud is beneficial to any age group of children as it increases their vocabulary.  It is also important to recite the book with enthusiasm.  Alter your tone to fit different events and moods in the story and use unique voices for various characters.  This extra effort will engage children and keep them excited and interested in the story.  Encouraging preschoolers to write their own books can also be helpful.  If the children are too young to write, have them create their own story with cut-out pictures and drawings assembled into a book.  

It is also helpful to fill your classroom with reading references such as alphabet charts, letter drawings and picture labels.  Labeling is a very useful way to cultivate good readers.  Label lockers, supplies, and many of the items in your classroom to have reading continuously represented and reinforced.  Labeling lockers with the children’s names also encourages reading and instills pride in kids.   All of these items should be placed at the eye level of children so they can easily be seen.

Wood Designs provides Listening Centers which are instrumental in learning.  These desks are designed with upper compartments to store books and audio devices.  This allows children to listen and follow along in a book to improve their reading skills.  

Visit to view our Listening and Writing Centers and various sizes of book displays to encourage reading in your classroom!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tables and chairs

When purchasing items for your classroom, the size of chairs and tables are extremely important.  If furniture is disproportionate to the child, they can feel confined or lacking in confidence.  Tables, for example, should allow a child to sit in a chair comfortably without their legs being pinned.  Having the space too tight for them can cause distress and make them feel trapped rather than able to focus on their lesson.  Conversely, the table should not be too large or it can intimidate a child.  Research shows that oversized furniture makes young children feel small and helpless because they are being overwhelmed by their surroundings. 

What do you do in a room with different- sized children?  A perfect solution is the use of our adjustable tables.  Wood Designs now offers our same high quality Birch hardwood tables with adjustable legs.  These exclusive tables allow for adjustments from 18” to 26” high, allowing a wide array of heights that are adaptable to different sized children. 
Chair size should also be appropriate for children.  The optimal chair will allow a child’s feet to touch the ground without dangling.  Our Woodie chairs are excellent for small children and offer a variety of sizes to match the child.  For taller kids, we offer our Birch hardwood tables ranging from 10” to 18.” 

Having the appropriate sized furniture will help children to feel confident and comfortable.  This will allow them to focus on their education and provide them with necessary self-assurance.  Stop by to see what we have to offer for your room.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Art in Schools

Art Center for Two and Art Center for Four.
Available in Natural Finish, Strawberry Red™,
Green Apple™,  and Blueberry™.
The use of art in the classroom is a very important one.  It contributes to many aspects of development while providing hours of fun and confidence.  There are many forms of creative art that can be incorporated in the preschool classroom, and easel painting has been found to be wonderfully successful.

Physically, painting helps children to hone their fine motor skills and thought processing.  By holding paintbrushes, children exercise their muscles.  This helps a child to learn to better control their movements to accomplish a goal.  Cognitively, painting provides important challenges for kids to work through.  A child must determine for themselves how to keep paint on the paintbrush, how to get paint onto the paper, how to make this or that shape, how to create different colors, etc.  These challenges encourage problem-solving and self- exploration.

Art is also emotionally important to children.  Painting is typically a less-structured project and allowing children to perform this messy activity shows they are being trusted.  This faith instills confidence in children.  It is important to praise a child’s artwork and share it with others in the classroom, furthering their self-esteem. Displaying artwork also shows children that others have different points of view and express them differently.  Furthermore, art is a great way to express feelings and emotions in a safe way.  It allows children to control their emotions and find constructive ways to express them.

Double, Threeway, and Four sided Easels.
Available with red or brown trays.
Easel painting, specifically when it is a paired easel, helps children to grow socially.  Wood Designs provides single, double, and four person easels.  This encourages kids to work in close proximity of each other and to share materials.  This also encourages conversation and the sharing of techniques and ideas-all important in social development.  Check out the various types of easels at and enlighten your classroom today!